We will soon be putting together the 2012-2013 Canandaigua Botanical Society Program. Your ideas and interests are requested. Is there a program you are interested in, something you would like to know more about, a repeat of a past favorite botanical event? Do you know of possible presenters or field trip leaders? Let us know! Peggy Kane and Laura Ouimette (and anyone else interested in helping put together program ideas) will be working these next couple of months to have a printed program guide ready for the April 20th potluck dinner. You can contact Laura or Peggy by phone (check the 2011-2012 program for our phone numbers) or Email

***Please consider family friendly programs too***

HERBARIUM WORKSHOP - Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 10 am – 2 pm - Life Sciences section will hold a workshop at the RAS Herbarium, located in the basement of the Rochester Museum and Science Center (RMSC). No experience needed! Plan to come and help with this valuable collection – and learn about plants in the process. Lunch is served in the RMSC Cafe until 2 pm. If you plan to attend the workshop, please send an RSVP to Elizabeth Pixley. Then, at RMSC, go to the front desk and ask staff person there to call ext. 368, the phone in the Herbarium. For more information, contact Elizabeth Pixley, herbarium curator (334-0977 or