Andy Fellenz welcomed us to his Organic Fellenz Family Farm on Saturday, July 24th. Botanical members in attendance were: Kathie Crocker, Tom Crocker, Leona Lauster, Laura Ouimette, Joan Purdy, and Peter Purdy.
Andy talked about the three Community Supported Agriculture programs he farms for in Canandaigua, Geneva, and Pittsford before bringing us to the fields and high tunnels (hoop houses) to talk about how he manages the tomatoes and cucurbits. Andy shared a wealth of information about organic farming.
Andy asks what we're interested to hear about in the shade of the packing shed

Andy talks about growing his tomatoes in the field

Tomatoes growing in the field with support from criss-crossed lines between plants

Andy shared a taste of Asian Tat Soi with us

A view of the fields and high tunnels from Lester Road

Tomatoes in a high tunnel

Chester the dog rests nearby as Andy talks with Canandaigua Botanical Society members

A view from inside the high tunnel

Discussing tomatoes in the high tunnel

Tomatoes growing in the high tunnel

A high tunnel with a field waiting for its next planting

This shows a clip holding the vine to a string that comes from the top of the high tunnel

Cantaloupe growing in a high tunnel

Cucumbers growing in a high tunnel

Between the planting sheds

Seeds planted in honeycomb grid (which straightens out to evenly spaced lines for planting)

Andy showing us a honeycomb seed frame

Japanese Paperpot Planter (
See video) (
set up video)

Squash growing in the tasting orchard

Jan and Andy by the Fellenz Family Farm stand
Andy has two websites that can be viewed for more information: and spoken about during the tour:
Northeast Organic Farming Association: Materials Review Institute: and